Knowsley Feelgood Festival
3 August, 2024
Court Hey Park, Huyton
We’re excited to announce that we will be attending this years Feelgood Festival in Court Hey Park, Huyton on Saturday 3rd August!
The event, which is part of the larger Knowsley Flower Show is set to be a lovely day full of all things self-care and wellbeing and is full of activities for you to improve your health while having plenty of fun, no matter what your energy levels are! You can take part in physical activities to get your heart pumping as well as calmer activities designed to relax and de-stress your mind which is just as important for your health, including Tai Chi, a bubble workshop and meditation!
For more information on both the Flower Show and the Feelgood Festival please visit the website here:
The event will take place between 11am and 5pm. We hope to see you there!
Your spare time is priceless.
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