
Wheels for All inclusive cycling charity launched the nationwide #WeRideTogether campaign in 2021, which aims to bring together the world of cyclists, corporates and volunteers to enable cycling to be accessible to every person, on their own terms.

What are the goals of the campaign?

  1. The creation of a  volunteer network
  2. To support isolated and fragile people to reconnect and be involved through cycling
  3. Improving the community through engagement.

How will the campaign be successful?

For the campaign to be a success, Wheels for All is looking for corporates, cycling clubs and individuals to pledge their support.

Support can be pledged in a variety of ways; becoming a Wheels for All volunteer, a Bike Buddy ride leader, an enabler (supporting an individual in their community to become active through cycling) or a connector (connecting clubs and people to disability groups and organisations).

How can I help?

Wheels for All is looking for people to pledge their support to the #WeRideTogether campaign, support can be pledged through a range of roles including Wheels for All volunteers, Bike Buddy Ride leaders, enablers (supporting an individual in their community to be active through cycling and volunteering opportunities) or a connector (connecting people and clubs to disability support groups/organisations).

Pledge your support

To pledge your support fill out the form below:

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