Lancaster Wheels for All

Lancaster Wheels for All is based at Salt Ayre leisure Centre which is just north of Lancaster on the road to Morecambe. There is the option to cycle on the athletics track and also on the purpose built cycle circuit at Salt Ayre. Sessions are delivered by the centre staff and also members of the CogSet cycle club.

Cycling session days and times

Day Session time Details


12:45:00 — 13:45:00

Cost £5.00 per person (careers go free)
Email or call to book


10:30:00 — 11:30:00

Cost £5.00 per person (careers go free)
Email or call to book

Contact details

Lancaster Wheels for All
Salt Ayre Leisure Centre
Salt Ayre Lane

Telephone: 01524847540


We're recruiting a new Trustee!

As a Trustee, you will have the opportunity to contribute your expertise to provide the robust and …

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Wheels for All launches new Volunteer Strategy!

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our organisations’ Volunteer Strategy, this is a key …

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