Join the 2.6 Challenge

This summer we’re joining up with partners, and other charities, for the 2.6 Challenge. This is your chance to do something active and support our inclusive cycling programmes at the same time.


With major fundraising events currently postponed, or cancelled, charities like us need extra help to make sure we continue to provide community support. The 2.6 Challenge encourages you to get involved and help.

You can do any activity you like (whilst following Government guidelines on social distancing) which involves the numbers 2.6 or 26. You could:

  • Walk or jog 2.6 miles a day for 26 days.
  • Do 26 minutes of online yoga with 26 friends all in your own homes.
  • Juggle 26 balls at once (okay maybe not this one).

The choice is yours!

The official 2.6 Challenge website has plenty of suggestions and advice for how you can get involved. For more information, and to support Cycling Projects, please click here

We're recruiting a new Trustee!

As a Trustee, you will have the opportunity to contribute your expertise to provide the robust and …

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Wheels for All launches new Volunteer Strategy!

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our organisations’ Volunteer Strategy, this is a key …

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