Wheels for All donates adapted cycles for art project!


Earlier this week, we had the pleasure of meeting with the fantastic team at Walk the Plank to donate some of our out-of-service cycles. These cycles may have reached the end of their days at our Wheels for All Hubs, but they’re about to embark on a new journey—this time, as part of a future community art project.

Walk the Plank are experts in creating artistic experiences that bring people together in public spaces, leaving a lasting impact through civic events, parades, ceremonies, firework displays, and other outdoor arts. We’re incredibly excited to see what they’ll craft using the donated cycles, and there’s even talk of a Canada Goose sculpture! Keep an eye on this space for updates on what unfolds next.

At Wheels for All, we believe in the power of sustainability and reusing materials wherever possible. Both our organisation and Walk the Plank share a commitment to sustainability and caring for the environment, so it’s wonderful to see cycles that are no longer roadworthy transformed into stunning pieces of art that can inspire and connect communities. This donation is more than just recycling; it’s about repurposing with a purpose and bringing joy in new ways.

Thank you again to the Walk the Plank team for helping facilitate this unique collaboration. Your creativity and dedication to community arts inspire us all!

If you’re interested in finding out more about Walk the Plank and the amazing art they do, click here.

Wheels for All donates adapted cycles for art project!

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