Bike & Boots Testimonial

The following is a written testimonial from Robin, in Claughton, who has benefited from the Bike & Boots scheme. He secured a position as a Customer Service Support staff with Merseyrail on the 12th April and used the Bike & Boots scheme to acquire a bicycle.


A couple of months ago I was in my local job centre (Birkenhead) and I noticed a flyer regarding Cycling Projects, the Bike & Boots scheme. I then proceeded to contact Ian Jones who is in charge of the project on the Wirral. Ian clearly explained to me all the relevant criteria to be eligible for the scheme and then emailed me all the relevant information pertaining to the scheme.

Ian kept in regular contact and updated me throughout the period whilst waiting to start my employment. Once my employment with Merseyrail had been confirmed I contacted Ian and emailed the relevant documentation confirming my employment. Ian then arranged a date to complete the Cycling & Walking to Work Fund registration form. We then went on to view the available cycles for the scheme at Off The Rock Cycles in Wallasey.

I chose the Pro Escape mountain bike, which also included a helmet, lights, kryptonite lock and fluorescent vest. To my surprise, the bike I had chosen was available to take away at that point. Ian was extremely helpful and even offered me transportation for the bike to my home address via the bike rack on his car. Ian also explained that the scheme in tandem with the bike shop will do free check-ups involving unlimited servicing of the cycle and a full maintenance service within the first 6 months of having the bike.

This invaluable scheme has made it possible for me to go directly to work from my home address as well as the added benefit of keeping fit. I will also be attending the Pedal Away community bike rides, which Ian arranges through Cycling Projects. All in all this was a very easy stress free process as well as me now having the added benefit of not having to worry about my travel options to get to work.

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