Posted: 11 October, 2022
Cairo attended every day of the summer camp with his mother and grandmother. And with our new equipment provided by the GOGA funding, we were able to set up one of our existing tricycles with additional foot, leg and core support, allowing Cairo to cycle for several hours each day.
Cairo really opened up when cycling, speaking to all the Wheels for All staff and volunteers and, in general, showing a clear enthusiasm to come along and get going each morning.
One of the nicest aspects of the week was seeing Cairo making friends with other participants. By the Wednesday of the Summer Camp he was going for rides with two other boys every day.
Speaking with Cairo’s mother, we were aware that he can struggle in social situations, having spent long periods outside school and in general having quite a reserved nature. This growing friendship, fostered through inclusive cycling, affirms the broad value that cycling can have.
Cairo is now a regular attendee at the new Saturday sessions launched at Springfield Park following the Summer Camp. He is now using a semi-recumbent trike, with fewer specialist adaptations, which is a positive step.
We are hoping eventually to support Cairo in riding a standard 2-wheel cycle, something which both he and his mother have stated is their long-term goal.
Download Cairo’s story here.